
Friday, March 25, 2011

I made a blog button!

I am a total geek!  The highlight of my week was finding out that Droid apps are coming to my Nook Color this spring.  This is my happiest news since getting my iTouch.  Now I need to find some crafting apps!!!

Then today I spent, well I would rather not say how many hours.... coming up with a blog header and a button. 

It is done until I get bored again someday and want a change :)

You can grab my button if you want it for your blog!  Just look over on the left hand side for it.

1 comment:

  1. I am still trying to figure out my Droid. Would love info on how to make a button that will link to my site.



Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!