
Friday, April 22, 2011

I LOVE spray paint!

***Blog hop winner will be posted tomorrow***

Yes, Pumpkin Orange.  Yes, that was by choice.  Yes, I liked it.  HOWEVER, I wanted something light and summery.  We do a lot of entertaining in the summer and I wanted it more summer like.  Notice the brass light fixture.

In case you missed the fixture.

Here is the etching on my glass globes.

New color.

You almost can't see the grapes etched in.  How fab is the new fixture color?!

So yesterday I got home from vacation and promptly decided to paint my dining room.  I was going to ease hubby into it and hope to have him convinced that it would be a good summer project.  I picked up a bunch of swatches and wouldn't you know as I walked out of the paint aisle they had a can of "oops" paint for 5 bucks in almost exactly the same color as my swatches!!!  So, I decided to paint last night.  I had a light fixture in my dining room that I HATED!  So a couple cans of spray paint and I transformed it, well at least in my opinion.  What do you think?!


  1. Love the new color and the new "light fixture". (If you are unhappy with the globes, Home Depot or Lowes do carry replacements). Great job.

  2. Oh I like it! I liked the orange too but yes, it is much more summer like now. Great job with the light fixture. Spray paint, good idea! And the light fixture looks better hanging up than on the floor, someone could trip on it there. (lol)


  3. So sorry I couldn't get organize to enter a project in your bloghop but will try to do better on your next challenge!!! Love your bold color you picked out for your dining room and your altered light fixture!! Me I like to alter, my hubby he is one for buying already made!!! Well you know what they say opposites attracts!!

  4. Love the transformation, it looks like a totally different style now!


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!