
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Cricut-Tastic From Natasha and Lisa.  Thank you so much ladies.  You create wonderful things and I am very thankful for this award.  If you haven't seen their blogs make sure to stop by and see what they can do!

So here are the rules:

 Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with friends. Share this award with 10 people that you think have Cricut-tastic blogs. You also have to tell 5 cricut related things about yourself.

5 Things about myself:
1.  I have only owned a Cricut for a year and a half... and I am a TOTAL addict.
2.  Cards and layouts are my least favorite things to create :)
3.  When I create a gift and bring it to a party my kids and husband make sure everyone knows I made it... nothing else makes me feel better about my creations.
4. I keep my Cricut Create at work now that I have an Expression because you just never know when you will NEED it!
5.  My Gypsy has changed my crafting world.

Sharing this award.  Sharing is always hard.  Hard because I follow so many incredible blogs.  People give me inspiration all of the time.  For this award I wanted to recognize all my fellow DT members at Getting Cricky.  They are all so talented! 
The Versatile Blogger award from Kim!  Kim is very talented and has some great things for you to see.  I recommend you hop over there and check it out!
The "rules" of this award:
1. Thank the person who sent it to you
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
3. Send this to 5 fellow versatile bloggers
Here are 7 things about myself:
1. I am a blog addict.
2. I love hosting parties.
3. I hate laundry.
4. I enjoy hand washing dishes... but don't tell my family that!
5. Coke and Pepsi are my biggest downfalls when it comes to junk food.
6. Couponing is another addiction of mine.
7. I hate the homework my kids get more then they do.

The 5 bloggers I am sending this to are:
Purple Peeps Techniques
Scrappin with Lala
Imagination Attic
Just Jenae
Kris' Craft Coop

Dina has given me the "Thing of Beauty Award."  Thanks Dina!  Dina is a special blogger friend to me as well because she is always posting wonderful words of encouragement on my blog.  I love it!  Check out her page and send her some love.  I have never received this award so I am pretty excited!

For this award I am supposed to say 5 things about myself with the first one craft related and pass it on to 5 people!
OK.... seriously I am "things about myself" drained LOL.... so check those out above :)

My picks to pass it onto are:
Melissa (my sister)
Cindy's Antics
Paper Deckerations
Houses Built of Cards
Kimberly's Crafty Spot

Thanks again everyone!!!


  1. Wow! Congrats on all your awards! And thanks for thinking of me! :)

  2. Thank you for the award. I am so excited you are a part of the DT. I will come by tonight and grab it and ofcourse pass it on

  3. Thank you Rebecca for the award, that is so cool of you

  4. Thank you for the award and for thinking of me!
    Congrats on all of your awards as well.


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!