
Sunday, May 8, 2011

NSD Challenge 4- Mother's Day Brunch and Paper Flower Tutorial

Wow, I have been neglecting my blog!  I am hoping to have more time for my crafts now!  I miss them and all my blogger friends! :)  Robyn at My Pink Stamper has given some challenges to make this weekend even more fun.  Challenge 4 is to create a Mother's Day themed project...

Today I hosted a Mother's Day brunch for my mother and my Aunt.  We are very close with my Aunt and Uncle and it was important to me to recognize that special relationship.

I created napkin rings with Coredinations Whitewash collection.  (I only had one page of each color and nobody local had any more so I had to make 2 colors.)  I also created place cards using tinfoil and my new Big Kick!!!

Under the photos I put a brief tutorial on how I made the paper flower.  I am beginning to think everyone else in the world knows how to do them and I was alone in not know though!

How to create paper flowers.
1. Cut a 5" x 5" square of cardstock.
2. Cut that into a circle, mine wasn't a circle at all I am cutting challenged but my shape worked :)
3.  Cut around the circle in a spiral.  I made my edges raggedy and rounded to give the flower a more flowery look in the end.
 4.  Start rolling the flower.  I rolled mine as tight as I could.  I let it loosen up a bit after I had it all wrapped.

5. At the end of the spiral I had left a small circle in the center.  I glued the flower to that using a ton of tacky glue.  I held it in place for a bit and it stayed nicely.

I was actually pretty excited by how well these held up and they are going to work again in the future because they were quite durable!!!  I used a glue dot and attached them to ribbon to make napkin rings. 

For some other challenges I am linking up to:
For Fun Challenges and Patti Lynn Creations want to see flowers!
Tuesday ThrowdownMore Than Favors and Paper Cutz Challenge are to see Mother's Day projects!


  1. What a beautiful table! I'm sure you had a lovely brunch. Happy Mother's Day!!

  2. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing. Please stop by my blog and claim an award that I have waiting for you.


  3. LOVE these...and can't wait to try them out! Thanks for the inspiration and for joining in our challenge!!!

    Patti Ross

  4. Love the flowers, will have to find time to try these.

    Keep up the good work


  5. Gorgeous, thanks for share! Your hard work paid bed sale UK


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