
Sunday, May 29, 2011

You may find this useful- links to many other challenges

So, I finally have made the list I keep telling myself I am going to make!  It lists out challenges you can find around the blogging world.

Next I want to make a list of the monthly things that go on.

If you know of other weekly challenges, hops etc that are not on my list PLEASE let me know and I will add them!

I will keep the list as a tab on my blog so you can always access them. Additionally, when I add something to the list I will do a post so my followers can see there is an update.  So, if you aren't following me you may want to ;)

Click here:
Challenges around the blogging world


  1. what a cool idea!! Thanks for taking the time to do that, had to take awhile. That was so nice of you!!!

  2. WOW - this is so awesome! Thank you so much for doing this...I know it took you a long time to research! I'm bookmarking the page :D

  3. This is very helpful, thanks for posting this!



Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!