
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

300 follower giveaway!

Well, my summer vacation is about to start.  I am SO EXCITED.  I love my job, but I love summer vacation more ;)

My goal is to hit 300 followers.  I went shopping a bit... well, maybe a bit more than a bit...  I am putting together a gift pack for one lucky follower when I hit 300.   I bought at least 2 of everything for my gift pack.  Once a week I am going to post a project using something from the gift pack.  Then when I hit 300 someone is going to get that gift pack.  Here is the catch, it has to happen before I go back to school :)  We can do it!  So stay tuned for some sneak peaks of the gift pack!

Also, I figured out how to use the polls feature!  Check that out on the right! I love playing with gadgets!


  1. My summer vacation starts in a few more days. Students have T and W, and then I have H to clean up. Yeah for summer! Looking forward to the giveaway. When you start posting pictures I will put on my sidebar to help spread the word.

  2. I love shopping for goodies! Lol! Good luck on hitting 300! Hugs! Dina

  3. I would love to post about your giveaway to help you reach 300 before school starts. Feel free to hop over to my blog, too and grab my blinkie for my giveaway!!!!

  4. you will hit 300 FAST! Congrats on the goal :)

  5. I am sure you will reach 300 long before you start back to school.

    Precious Hugs

  6. You will definitely hit 300 in no have an awesome blog! Thank you again for putting together a list of all the challenges - it is so helpful!! :D


  7. Woohoo summer vacation! Good Luck hitting your 300! I'm sure it won't be long and I'll be stopping by to see your projects!

  8. I knew I should have become a teacher!! lol Congrats on your summer vacation and I know you'll make it to 300!! Already a follower and really enjoy your posts!!!!

  9. Good luck! I'm sure it won't take long. I can't wait to see your projects :)


  10. thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I am already a follower of yours. hugs


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!