
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Challenges around the blogging world

I have updated my list of challenges around the blogging world. 

The list now has about 45 challenges on it!  Check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great link. I will be sure to check it out. That must have been a lot of work; thank you for sharing. I get my inspiration from challenges to avoid just sitting and staring at my supplies, wondering what I should do :)
    Thanks for entering my blog candy! As far as diets…ugh. I hear you! I just finished a 21 day cleanse. This is my fourth time (my doc recommends not more frequently than every 6 months.) It is hard, but I lose a little more weight each time I do it, then spend 6 months trying not to gain ALL OF IT back. My weight has been a life-long struggle. For the past two years I have TRIED to avoid gluten and all sweeteners (especially artificial). That has helped a lot, but why does all the delicious food have gluten and sugar? It gets easier to avoid gluten now, because I actually get a stomach ache now when I eat it, or I get depressed for a few hours. My doc said people don't realize that it does make you feel bad physically and emotionally, but we consume so much gluten and sweeteners as a society, we don't realize how bad we feel.


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!