
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Getting Cricky Simply Sunday Challenge: Anything Goes

This week it is "anything goes" at Getting Cricky.  I can't wait to see what you have to create for this challenge!

For my project I made a wedding gift.  I saw something like this on YouTube once. This project is an example of why I call myself the "Crafting Misfit." I tried to do it just like she did.  YIKES!  NOT a good turn out.  It was a nightmare.  There were tears, a bit of wanting to kick my Cricut, and of course it was all my husband's fault. LOL.  The issue was getting the glue to keep the glass on the frame.  I tried a glue gun.  NOT something that worked. So, I was going to try another glue that a good friend recommended but I ended up running out of time to get back to the store.  So my husband gave me something to use- this is why it is all his fault LOL.  That glue, or whatever it was, didn't work well because it kept smearing on the glass.  So, I spent lots of time with Windex and a razor blade trying to clean the glass.  In the end, I was mostly satisfied with the gift although I wish it had been cleaner.  Wow, now that was a long story!!! 

The black font is Base Camp and the gray is Gypsy Font (I think!)  I thought I saved the file, but I didn't :(

Here is one I made for another wedding:

Don't forget about the blog hop and UStream coming up Friday night the 17th!  There will be lots of blog candy along the way and some great chances for free stuff!!!  Are you planning on joining us?!

Thanks for looking!


  1. Lessons on frmae #2 please..... from you favorite glue-recommending friend :)

  2. Love your project. The perfect Wedding gift. I am a bit confused though...what was the glue for? I thought you used vinyl and glass etching. It turned out wonderfully...for what your husband did to I like the other project too. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. okay, you have to tell us what glue finally worked cuz you might be saving another poor soul from going through what you went through, LOL:-) In the end it looks great!

  4. I'm voting for a tutorial!! I've done vinyl on picture frames, but I always just put plain paper inside or paint the background -- So I've never used glue -- Now I'm curious!! :) I LOVE both of yours, especially the first one -- What an elegant and beautiful wedding gift!! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing your talent at Getting Cricky with K Andrew!! :)

    Your Getting Cricky DT Sister,
    Amy :) at

  5. WOW those are so great. That is totally an awesome idea for wedding presents. TFS
    Getting Cricky DTM

  6. ohh my gosh.. that is way too cute!! awesome gift idea!! I"m starting to do homemade projects as gifts as well..Love your frames

    Kathy-= GCDTM

  7. Gorgeous framed art hun! In the end it turned out. Beautiful and sure to put a smile on a newlywed's face. :O)
    Thanks for the humor you always add to your posts. It is nice to see that real people are on every corner of the globe!!!
    I plan on attending the hop and Ustream on Friday. Hope my kids cooperate and allow me the opportunity to!

  8. Becka these are awesome projects! I think you did a fabulous job :) You know what they say the best things are never easy. I'm sure your recipients will cherish them. Great Job!
    Becky - Getting Cricky Design Team member


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!