
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New stamps in town... Fashionable Friends!

Look here are all 3 of Kristal from Getting Cricky's stamp sets in real life photo-polymer!

Today I want to feature Fashionable Friends! This stamp set is just perfect for any friend, fashion, and for breast cancer support!

She is taking preoders now... and offering a free shipping and discount bundle!!!

Here we go....
Fashionable Friends the perfect set to celebrate fashion and friends. $1 for every stamp set goes to benefit Cancer Angels: those battling all kinds of cancer in stage 4. 90% or more goes to those battling cancer.
CLICK here to check out  Fashionable Friends

Here is a few examplesKristal has made using this set:

1 comment:

  1. WOW! These are really great saying (sentiments) I will have to get some.
    Cindy Lou


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