
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sympathy card

My post on Tuesday talked a lot about where my heart is this week.  I am not shaking that place well.  However, it is in a positive sense.  I want to just make sure everybody I love knows it.  There is a song that reminds me of the day I got the phone call that brought me to my knees and I think it would speak to many hearts.  I wanted to share it.

We have had two friends lose a family member this week and here is what I created for sympathy cards.  I think those are by far the hardest to make.  I used Stretch Your Imagination for the tree and Wild Card (I think) for the sentiment and I drew them with Amy Chomas gel pens.
I didn't realize how horrid the picture quality was until now... and I just mailed the dang things!



  1. I think the card is great. Sorry to hear about your loss and hope you shake the feeling soon!

  2. Beautiful symphathy card..Thanks for sharing!



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