
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Teasers!

Sorry this is coming so late tonight!  I thought for sure I would have crafting time earlier tonight but I spent most of the day at funeral services showing support to someone who lost their brother. It makes me think about how our life is not our own.  Today could be our last, not to be morbid.  We need to be prepared, to be right with who we are and what we believe in.  We walk around this world with the "it can't happen to us" mentality but the bottom line is it can happen to us.  Many of us have lost someone close to us, some expected some unexpected.  How do you process the loss?  How do you react?  What does it do to your faith?  Does it shake you and move you?  Does it motivate you to tell others you love them?  Does it remind you of the things you have been saying you need to do but you will do it "later."  Are you fearful of that day?  Are you excited about that day?  My biggest question- does your loss define you or do you define your loss?  Is your loss your identity or is it your reminder to give yourself identity in what you believe in?

So anyway, :)
For more information on Tuesday Teasers click here.
Last week I was SUPER busy with the blog hop and didn't get back to you with what was free from that sneak peak!
Here is the sneak peak again:
This is the gift we put the tag on:
My son and I made the gift basket of Smart Food and drink mix for his teacher who loves those things.
Many of you guessed right!!! Prima flowers are the giveway from this sneak peak!  This will be the first thing in our 300 follower prize pack!

Here is this week's project.  It isn't my favorite project but it is "OK" and a bit different.  I created this as a thank you to one of my students for a wind chime she gave me at our end of year picnic:

I will try to get a better pic in the morning in natural light!


Gel pens for stiching
Sizzix texture plate for embossing
Amy Chomas gel pens "cutting" from Accent Essentials for the flower
Colorbok puffy stickers

So, I am taking your guesses for what is in the prize pack from this project!  Check back on Freebie Friday to see if your guess is right!


  1. Ok I will just go down the line here :) 1st I am a new follower- one less that you need now 2nd I placed your badge on my blog (it has a very small following so I don't know how much good it will do you) and 3rd my guess is gel pens. Have a wonderful day and I am sorry for you friends loss.

  2. I appreciated your words about loss. Very thought provoking. Your card is very nice - I like the bright colors. My guess is that the puffy stickers are in the prize pack.


  3. Cute card! It reminds me of those windchimes that are flat until you hang them - is that the kind your student gave you? My guess is the Amy Chomas gel pens.

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  4. This is so adorable, Rebecca! Since gel pens and puffy stickers have already been guessed, I'm gonna say the Sizzex texture plate! :)


  5. great idea. well done. tfs. i'm a follower.


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!