
Monday, September 26, 2011

Guest Designer Call, I need your vote, and blog candy!

Good Morning,

WIth school starting I have had a lot less time on my blog.  :(  Once the fall passes I hope to have some more time and I am sure I will.  However, September is a tiring month for sure!

So many people have submitted to show and tell and I am so impressed by the projects.  I am looking for some people who would like to guest design.  I want to make sure my blog stays active and that would be a huge help.  If you are interested please email me and send me a link to your blog!!!

Also, can you vote for me?!  Cricut is doing a classroom challenge.  I submitted a bulletin board I did in the spring.  Can you pop over and check it out?  If you like it will you vote for it?!  Click here to vote.

Also, we are at 300 followers!  I promised a give away when we hit that.  So, do you want in?!  Leave a comment here with a comment about your favorite project on this blog.

Thanks again for your support!!!!


  1. Love your last work with metal balloons! I just couldn't stop looking at it! Had to open that page few times for few days!

  2. I went over and voted for you! I love the EST sign with the last name! Super cute!!

    cherie.goyer at

  3. Well I am rather partial to that nifty H2O card you made, silly girl!

  4. congrats on reaching 300. i like the animal birthday cake you made.

  5. Congrats on reaching 300 followers. I love all of your projects, but I really like the lunch bag you decorated with a little owl on it. I am on my way over to vote for your project.

  6. I like all your stuff, but if I had to pick a recent favorite, I think it would be the wood blocks you got from hubby's scraps that you made the word JOY out of...SO CUTE!!

    Congrats on all the new followers!!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  7. I voted for your cute bulletin board. Good luck! I really liked your project with the metal balloons pieces. Loved the colors!

  8. Hello! I gave you my vote. I hope this helps a bit.
    I love a lot of your profects, mostly the card with two snowmen - very nice and bright card)
    Hugs. Hlora. xx

  9. Congrats on 300 followers. I love getting the emails for your blog. I really enjoyed the state blog hop. Lots of inspiration!

  10. Hi there! All you projects are great but I have to say my FAV is the re-orgainizing of your craft room. LOL.. I feel like I go through this every few months. I get it all cleaned up and pretty then start projects and it goes to complete disarray again. Organized chaos! Holly :-)

  11. I am your newest follower...Susan from sent me! I looked through some of your posts and loved the metal balloons, Maine sign and the fall blocks! Great work! Congrats on 300 followers, I have just started a blog and hope that you will visit me too!
    Crafty Hugs,

  12. I'm new here - thanks to a link you provided on your other blog (Cricut and Grasshopper). I tried to vote for you, but the link is no longer valid. Is the contest over? If not, let me know and I'll try again.
    I've just scrolled through your blog and especially like your Give Thanks blocks. They look terrific!

  13. Congrats on hitting over 300 followers!! I'm a new follower thanks to Cricut and Grasshopper:)

  14. Congrats on 300+ followers! I like your teacher cake project best. Good luck on with your votes!


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!