
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No craft this morning! However, there is a good video song at the end of my post!

I am working on a couple of "bigger" projects.  So, not craft this morning.  Piece of it may come tonight.

Instead you get my tidbits on life today :)  I haven't really posted "life" stuff before but today it weighs heavy on my heart.  You may want to skip it since it is my ramblings, but I still challenge you to watch the youtube video at the end and remind yourself of what really matters in life :)

Last night I intended to finish one of the projects to show.  However, God had other plans.  My husband is a volunteer fire fighter.(Fire fighter of the year in fact.  I have to brag :)  Who doesn't want to be married to a hot fireman? :) )  Last night while I was crafting he was called to a fatal accident.  As he was at the accident I was listening to the police scanner.  While he was gone I couldn't help but think I stress over all the tiny stuff in my life.  I think if my paper isn't lining up right I am in crisis mode.  When my kids are fighting I am pulling my hair out.  I locked myself out of the house before work yesterday forgetting to shut off the coffee maker and I stressed.  I look at what my kids bring home for homework and wonder how we can possibly accomplish that in a night.  Those silly things a particular person does that drive you crazy get out of control to you.  So, while I stressed out over silly stuff some mother was learning she was going to have to bury her son.  This pain is no stranger to my family, as my mother had to do the same when my sister was only 22.  So last night I found myself thinking more about all the small blessings and the large blessings in my life.  Every now and then God kicks my butt and tells me to think about what I have.  Last night was one of those nights.  Regardless of your personal religious convictions this message applies to all of us.  It is what we choose to do with those little things, how we handle those frustrations that define us.

If you have NOT heard this song you have got to hear it.  It is all about the little stuff and how it gets to us.


  1. I love that song!! I was just listening to it on the car ride home from taking my daughter to school:-) I was thinking it would be a good one to throw into the end of my cycle class at the gym.

  2. Truly words of wisdom and a perfect song. Can't wait until we are across the hall from each other and your wisdom can waft across to me :)

  3. Thanks for sharing that! I'm going to pass it on:) Have a blessed day!

  4. This is an incredible song!I am a new follower, sent by the fabulous Momo! I love your blog, I am so glad Momo is doing this! I am following a ton of awesome blogs now! Would be so blessed if you would stop by my blog at

  5. Cute song! I think it is very cool that you are married to a firefighter. I am proud to say uncle was a firefighter in Maryland. His name was Gary "P-Street" Provencal.

    I love your blog font...super cute :)

  6. Hi Mis!

    I was also sent by Momo and will be joining your blog as a follower. I love how your blog has both your personal thoughts and also projects and as I am new to blogging I hope to do the same with my blog. I do papercrafts as a way to calm myself and I think blogging may have the same impact.Your post from Tuesday was so right on the mark. I have a 22 and 16 year old and I couldn't even begin to think of the pain of something like what you described. I have heard stories from family members who are firefighters but somehow each story is hard to hear about, but it is reality. I would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.

    Take care,

  7. Love that song, have it on my ipod and my daughter sings it regularly! It's a great reminder not to sweat the small stuff and to be grateful for even the smallest of blessings, for His hand is in our lives even if we don't recognize it.

    My heart goes out to the mom who lost her child, I know it is hard for your husband also to come upon those scenes. ( I was married to a police officer, they both deal with bad situations at times).

    Anyway, love your blog, am now a follower and would love for you to visit me too! :)

  8. What a touching story. You're right, it's a great reminder about what is important in life.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so glad Momo sent me and now I'm a new follower!


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