
Friday, April 1, 2011

Paper Rosettes

Today is a SNOW day from work.  I am wondering if I am going to be doing a lesson on the 4th of July this year at school by the time we get out!

This week I have been working on a "bigger" project. It is taking me lots of time but I am loving it :)  Today I need to undo some of the neglect to my home and THEN maybe I will do some crafting.  I haven't posted much lately so I need to get going!  My lack of posting does not mean lack of crafting for sure ;)

I have my first Blog Hop coming up.  Most of my designers are set and ready to go.  There is still room for another one if you are interested!  Please email me for details and I will get back to you.  EVERYONE can participate in my blog hop though!  So be sure to "follow" this site so you know when it is up and what the twist is!

One piece of the project I am working on is paper rosettes.  I thought I would post those today and some how to instructions on how to do it. 

Here is a picture of my final product rosettes, to be applied to my OTHER project I am doing.  Look below the pic for a tutorial.

True to my form, I messed up on these :)  So I did them twice.  So you may notice the paper in the photos changes.  I am going to post the directions and include "what I learned from my mistakes" with it.

1. Choose your paper

2. Cut paper strips to come to 4 times the diameter you want the circle.  In the photo I made 6" rosettes.   So I cut 2 strips 12" each.  You want the width to be half the diameter of the rosette, so mine are 3". When this was done I didn't like the size for what I was doing.  So in my final pic you see 5" rosettes.  For cutting on those I did 2 10" strips by 2.5".

3. First I scored every 1/2".  I used my Fiskars cutter and Cricut bone scorer.  Then I folded it "accordion style." What a pain!!!  So, on my second attempt I "free folded" every quarter of an inch accordion style by hand.  I actually liked the finished product doing it with that method more!

 This is the 1/2" scored on my paper trimmer.

 This is folded "free hand" at 1/4" with the new paper :)

4.  Attach the 2 long pieces into one long strip.  Make sure to match up your folds.

5. Connect it into a circle/loop

This is the smaller rosette.

This is the bigger rosette.

 6.  make it into a volcano like shape bringing the center together and pushing the edges out.


7.  Keep pushing the center downwards and use a glue dot or 2 to stick it together in the center.  I found a couple started to come up again at the center and I just applied more glue dots.  I LOVE glue dots!

Here is the finished rosette.  Stay tuned to see what I am doing with these!!!!


  1. so sorry about the snow, yuck!! we are having a sunny day here in Oregon:-) no rain, yipee!! I have heard using your glue gun is helpful with the rosettes also. I used glue dots like you but didn't make huge ones so it was not a problem!! Enjoy your day off:-)

  2. I've been wondering how to make these! Thanks for the tutorial; you make it look easy. I m your newest follower :)

  3. I have a versatile blog award for you! You can pick it up on my blog when you get a chance!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the rosettes and the tutorial!! Thank you for visiting my blog!! Please come back again!!!

  5. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your cute projects and blog design. I'm still reworking mine. I need to learn how to create the button like you did.
    Oh and I loved reading your About Me page. So funny you say your a geek because I'm a geek wannabe! LOL!

  6. Momo sent me and I am super glad. I have been wondering how to make these paper rosettes. You have done a suburb job with the instructions. You are so detailed and I am glad. I love your blog and all of your great designs.
    Cindy Lou


Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate all feedback. Don't forget to follow me if you like what you see! PLEASE give me a link to your blog too so I can pop on over easily!!!