
Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to do letters for Birthday banner

If you are looking to see how I did the letters featured at this post you are in the right place ;)  If you haven't seen that post jump on over and take a look!
The lettering on this post is from A Child's Year.

1. Cut the letters on Core'dinations cardstock.
2. Cut the letters out on a cereal box.

   For this I use deep cut blade set at 5. 
3. I then embossed my letters on the cardstock using my Fiskars ShapeBoss and the "Stars" plate.
I love using embossing with this paper because it really does make it stand out more with the color core.
4. I sanded the letter after embossing with 120.
5. Ink the edges of the cereal box letters to match the cardstock letters.
6. I then used rubber cement to adhere the cardstock to the cereal box.

I hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I have a friend who uses that cartridge a lot and she brought the spiral over on Friday and I perused it :)


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