**Warning photo heavy post**
We have 2 bathrooms. One of which we all hate. We never use it and we basically store junk in it. I took "before" pics of my project but I took them AFTER I cleaned 2 contractor sized garbage bags of junk out of there!
Then over at
Fantabulous Cricut the challenge this week is to create something in 3D. So I was totally inspired to use my Cricut and do my bathroom. I hope you come over there and join us!
Ironically, one of the things I hated about the bathroom was it was too feminine- pink walls, ceiling, and counter top. I remember the day I took down the pink lace curtains crying tears of joy. Then I totally went in the direction of girl with this even after that. I like this girly better though ;) There are a few more things I need and need to do for this room but this is where we are at with it now.
My daughter wanted to create a girly bathroom so this was a joint project (mostly she checked on my progress over and over and over and over). She feels we need a sign on the door that says "No Boys Allowed"- I really don't think that is necessary considering how girly it is!
The photos don't really show the pink well, in my opinion, but it was a drab grayish pink.
For the shower curtain I used the Forever Young Cricut cartridge. I bought a twin size sheet for $4.84 at Wal-Mart cut it to size and sewed burlap and lace on the top. The girl is cut with an old white sheet. Once I cut it I realized there was some kind of mark on the sheet... YIKES. So I rolled some fabric flowers for it ;) to cover it. The shower curtain was what I originally created for the challenge. They I shared the photo with some people I know and they weren't thinking the shower curtain was so wonderful LOL. So I opted not to make it my design team entry.
I just zig zag stiched the girl on.
I then got some super cheap frames at Wal-Mart for $1.46 that were "brass." Well, I spray painted them but when I took the glass out they started coming apart. So I did the best I could to fix them up. The vinyl inside the frames are all cuts from Forever Young.
Rag banner with purple, white, lace, and ribbon. This cost me nothing I only used things I had kicking around.
This is my daughter's jewelry board. She already started putting her stuff on ;). We saw some great ones online with different knobs but had a wicked hard time finding knobs here. We are going to keep an eye out for some at yard sales this summer. Creating this was interesting to say the least. I got an old bulletin board out of the basement and attempted to cut it. The process wasn't pretty... it involved hammers, knives, band aids and mess. Then for 97 cents I got the mug hooks for her to hang her jewelery from.

You know those home improvement shows where they always miraculously have this fabulous furniture just in hiding somewhere? Yeah, I watch those and I am thinking what the heck why would you just have that hanging around and not be using it. I am not money rich so I try to be as thrifty as possible. We actually did have my husband's grandmother's desk just kicking around! I love that it came from her. The jewelery armoire I had in my bedroom. See that fabulous round mirror? It weighs like 5 million pounds. When my husband and I got married WAY back in 1999 ;) we bought a house that was fully furnished. That was one of the pieces in the house. A lot of the stuff we got rid of but that mirror was something we hung onto. It fits perfectly here.
My daughter LOVES to leave me notes. Many nights I climb into bed and there is a note on my pillow with a blank note card for me to right back to her. So we got some chalkboards to hang in our bathroom for messages. THe were 85 cents each.
The above 2 are Pinterst inspired projects. The jars are all for our "stuff" and we did the silver platters tray in the corner for fun. The jars and stuff I had on hand. I paid $1.75 on doilies and another $3 on burlap ribbon. I had the other ribbon and burlap on hand. I got the silver platters for a total of $3.50 at Goodwill (it was half price day!) I had the candlesticks.
Again, we cut from the Forever Young cartridge. This was a frame I had at home that I lightly painted white allowing some of the color from before to come through and make it look worn.
These are from pieces of that bulletin board and I wrapped the in fabric and embellished.
And finally my DT entry for Fantabulous Cricut this week. The letter is fron Songbird. I then wrapped a bunch of flowers to decorate the frame a bit. I got the frame for $3.75 after discounts.
I got the paint for $8 because it was a mis-tint!!!!!
So you can see this project was super cheap and it was a lot of fun for my daughter and I.
Thanks again for visiting!!!!